
Siberian State Geodetic Academy


The question on a full-blooded and unobstructed exchange of maps content between any Operators (systems) of geoinformation and cartographical modelling has gradually come nearer and came to the next agenda from the remote prospect. The basic obstacle here is different interpretations in conceptually semantic representation of the same essences, taking place at separate Operators. These semantic discrepancies are diverse and are caused by various reasons: Different subject views, excellent subject decisions, misunderstanding and others. Overcoming of such different interpretations looks possible at a level of the elementary (atomic) objective properties overlapping.

Natural unit of the such problem decision is creation of the cross (multisubject, multiscale, multilingual and multisubject) Dictionary of the elementary objective senses used in cartographical and geoinformation modelling. Such Dictionary would give an objective sense through insertion of semantic diverse (on attributes of a subject, language and so on) Operators (maps, systems). On horizon of atomic attributes it is the most easier to find exact mutual understanding.

Thus, however, it is necessary to remind about reserve of an atomic term concept as the linguistics proves, that actually it is not enough the words absolutely indivisible on sense, as in many words, seeming simple, a complex of ideas is pressed in, that can be explained through other words (senses). Nevertheless, the required atomic horizon, certainly, with pragmatical assumptions, however, should and can be allocated. As if to more complex semantic formations expressed, for example, by the general terms behind which capacious enough concepts stay, this is the business of the future which is possible to reach only leaning on fulfilled layer of semes. Nevertheless, it may be that in the prospective Dictionary the definitions of those or other attributes should be entered, that already means reception of the status of an explanatory dictionary by it.

On building the similar Dictionary it is useful to use a synonymic resource. In this case the Dictionary essentially extends and becomes Co-Glossary in which synonyms (co-words) give comprehensible alternatives of expressions and, thus, give additional opportunities of docking.

The offered Dictionary can become a key element of a semantic interaction platform of accessible to everybody that is a uniform communicator, connecting any diverse Operators. Such platform looks quite sold in the Internet.

The idea of the offered Dictionary calls up a set of questions which are a subject to research. There are questions of synonymic rows structure and that similar, for example. Also there are such questions as use of word-combinations, phraseological units, and words with figurative sense, vernacular, terminologisms and others. Here it is possible to note the questions connected with necessity of access (updating) and authorization and so on. Here questions of overcoming of semantic discrepancies (absence of identities) on interlanguage transitions get also. There are also other not less "dark" questions. Nevertheless, creation of such Dictionary experimental versions can be not postponed before end of theoretical development as it will urge on them and will give them a live material.